Present Work and Get Feedback
Shareable Review Links
Shareable review links allow you to easily share any asset for review.
Share Your Work With A Link
To share your work using a review link:
- Open the task you want to share
- Click the “Share” button in the top right
- Copy the link
- Share it with anyone
Reviewers can see your work and comment on it.
Links have two levels of permissions:
- Comment-only: Perfect for getting feedback. Reviewers can see the task and leave comments, but they can’t make edits.
- Editor: For deeper collaboration. Reviewers can see the task, leave comments, upload new versions, and edit task metadata.
What Do Reviewers See When They Access a Link?
“Comment-only” viewers
- Can see the task, past versions, and leave comments
- Cannot make edits
- Do not see the AI review or task details toolbar
- Cannot go back to the rest of the workspace
“Editor” viewers
- Can see the task and leave comments
- Can see the task details and edit it
- Can upload new versions
Guests who access a file via a shared link can only see that specific task and nothing else in the workspace
Leaving Feedback Via Shareable Links
People who receive a review link can see the shared work without creating a Workflow account. To comment, they only need to provide their email. This allows the sharer to know who is commenting.