Projects in Workflow help you organize tasks, collaborate with teammates and guests, and stay focused on specific deliverables.


Projects provide dedicated spaces for your work, with each project having its own page and board containing all related tasks. This allows you to immerse yourself in a single project without distractions from other tasks.

All your active projects are easily accessible from the sidebar.

Finally, projects allow you to invite external collaborators to work with you, without giving them access to your entire workspace. Projects are the perfect way to work with clients, contractors, or other external partners.

Creating a Project

There are multiple ways to create a new project in Workflow:

  • With your mouse: Click “Create Project” in the sidebar.
  • Command bar: Open the command bar with Cmd/Ctrl + K and find “Create Project”.
  • Keyboard shortcut: Use Cmd/Ctrl + P from anywhere in the app.

When creating a project, you now have the option to select its visibility:

  • All team members: All team members in your Workspace can see and edit the project.
  • Private: Only you and the collaborators you invite can see and edit the project.

Viewing Projects

You can view all projects in your workspace on the Projects page. Navigate there using:

  • Mouse: Click “Projects” in the sidebar.
  • Command bar: Open the command bar and find “Go to Projects”.
  • Keyboard shortcut: Press G then P.

Projects can be in an Active or Completed state. All your active projects will appear in the sidebar for quick access.

Completing Projects

Once you’re done with a project, mark it as Complete. Completed projects are hidden from the sidebar but can still be accessed from the Projects page.

Collaborating on Projects

Inviting teammates and guests to a project is simple:

  1. Open the project settings.
  2. Invite collaborators by email or by sharing the project’s unique share link.